What is the difference between the words unpredictable and impossible?

What is the difference between the words unpredictable and impossible?

Sure, here's the difference between the words unpredictable and impossible:


  • Something that is unpredictable is something whose outcome is not known with certainty.
  • It is something that can change or evolve over time.
  • An unpredictable event is something that cannot be predicted with any degree of certainty.


  • Something that is impossible is something that cannot be done or achieved.
  • It is something that is beyond the realm of possibility.
  • An impossible event is something that is so unlikely to happen that it is considered to be impossible.


  • Unpredictable: The weather forecast for tomorrow is unpredictable, as it is difficult to predict the exact temperature and precipitation.
  • Impossible: Trying to climb Mount Everest is an impossible feat, as it is the highest mountain on Earth.
  • Possible: Winning a lottery is a possible event, as there are many people who buy tickets.

In summary:

  • Unpredictable means that something is not known with certainty, while impossible means that something is beyond the realm of possibility.