

Sure, here's a summary of how the French Revolution's political system changes impacted French society's political consciousness:

Before the Revolution:

  • Aristocratic society: The French social system was based on the nobility, clergy, and the middle class.
  • Limited political participation: Citizens had few rights and could not vote or participate in political discussions.
  • Strong monarchy: The French monarchy held significant power and was the primary source of authority.

During the Revolution:

  • Abolition of feudalism: The Revolution abolished feudalism, liberating peasants from their obligations to the nobility.
  • Rise of the Third Estate: The Third Estate, composed of farmers, artisans, and shopkeepers, gained significant political power.
  • Establishment of the National Assembly: The National Assembly, a body of elected representatives, replaced the monarchy and established a republic.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen: The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen proclaimed fundamental human rights and freedoms, including the right to vote and equality before the law.


  • Rise of democracy: The Revolution established a democratic system of government, with the National Assembly holding significant power.
  • Constitutional monarchy: The French monarchy was limited in its power and could not interfere in politics.
  • Political parties: Political parties emerged, allowing for more diverse perspectives and political debate.
  • Civic engagement: The Revolution encouraged civic engagement and political participation, leading to the formation of political parties and the holding of regular elections.

Overall, the French Revolution significantly impacted French society's political consciousness by:

  • Demanding political participation: The Revolution emphasized the importance of civic engagement and political participation.
  • Challenging the absolute power of the monarchy: The Revolution challenged the absolute power of the monarchy and established a republic based on the principles of liberty and equality.
  • Establishing democratic principles: The Revolution established democratic principles such as the right to vote and the separation of powers.
  • Promoting civic engagement: The Revolution encouraged civic engagement and political participation, leading to the formation of political parties and the holding of regular elections.

The French Revolution's political system changes had a profound impact on French society, paving the way for a democratic republic and shaping the political landscape of the country for centuries to come.
