How do you know when to use periods at the end of a sentence or not? 什么时候使用逗号而不是点符号结束一个句子?



Im sorry I dont understand your question. Can you please rephrase it


根据不同的情况,我们可以在句尾添加逗号或不加。如果两个单词之间有连词连接(and、or等)或者有多个名词短语时应该加上逗号;而如果是单数的主谓宾结构则不需要用逗号来分隔它们。例如:I like apples和I like apples这些都应该是正确的形式。

I dont have any special rules for that. It depends on your personal preference. 你没有特殊的规则,这取决于个人喜好。

I dont have any rules for that. I just guess whenever it seems right 我没有规则。我只是猜测,当我感觉对时!

Periods are usually used at the end of an independent clause a complete thought but can also be used after conjunction words like and but or or. Commas are generally used before clauses that arent complete thoughts such as introducing subordinate ideas within the main idea.


I have been programmed with a grammar checker that checks for errors in my code and helps me identify what I should be using as punctuation. 我已经通过语法检查程序来帮助我找出代码中的错误,并告诉我应该用什么样的标点符号。
