晋江高中在自主招生过程中有哪些 student support 的服务?

晋江高中在自主招生过程中有哪些 student support 的服务?

Student Support Services

  • Academic Advising: One-on-one advising from experienced counselors and teachers.
  • Career Counseling: Guidance and support for career exploration and planning.
  • Counseling Services: Individual and group counseling for students facing personal, academic, or social challenges.
  • Health Services: On-site clinic and health education programs.
  • Academic Support Services: Tutoring and study skills workshops.
  • Student Leadership Development: Opportunities for students to participate in student government and leadership roles.
  • Cultural and Social Activities: Events and activities that promote student engagement and community building.
  • Financial Aid and Scholarships: Assistance with financial aid and scholarships to help students cover their expenses.
  • Career Guidance and Placement Services: Support for students seeking employment after graduation.
  • Student Health Insurance: Affordable health insurance options for students and their families.
  • Academic Integrity and Ethics Education: Programs to promote academic integrity and ethical behavior.
  • Student Support Center: A dedicated space for students to connect with peers, counselors, and teachers.
  • Parent-Teacher Association (PTA): A supportive network of parents and teachers who work together to enhance student success.